Packages “db4-4.3.29-9.fc6.i386” and “db4-4.3.29-10.el5.i386”

Plesk Auto installer (Plesk otomatik kurulum) script ile kurulum yaparken aşağıdaki hataları alıyor yapmanız gerekenler.

The following could cause the installation failure:
Packages “db4-4.3.29-9.fc6.i386 (u 0x98de838 source=0x9231ca0 P:9 R:21)” and “db4-4.3.29-10.el5.i386 (s 0x91d7338 source=0x9198e38 P:9 R:21)” cannot be installed at the same time
because of the conflict on the file “/lib/”

Not all packages were installed.

Please, contact product technical support.


The following could cause the installation failure:
Packages “db4-4.3.29-9.fc6.i386” and “db4-4.3.29-10.el5.i386” cannot be installed at the same time because of the conflict on the file “/lib/

Problem çözümü?

Yapmanız gereken aşağıdaki komutu SSH da uygulamanız…

rpm -e –nodeps –justdb db4-4.3.29-10.el5.i386

Packages “db4-4.3.29-9.fc6.i386” and “db4-4.3.29-10.el5.i386”” hakkında 1 yorum

  1. Ahmet

    x86 kurulumunda hata alan arkadaslarda.

    rpm -e –nodeps –justdb db4-4.3.29-10.el5_5.2.x86_64

    bu komutu uygularsa yine sorun düzelir.

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